Frequently Asked Questions
Homeowners' Association
What is a homeowners' association? It is a not-for-profit corporation in which the owners of lots are members. The Association is "governed" by a Board of Directors and was formed to handle the maintenance of the common areas and to enforce deed restrictions.
Why does an association have a "management company"? A management company provides a number of services to the association. First, a management firm will provide professional guidance and assistance in management and financial affairs to the Board of Directors, and second, they will provide continuity even though the Board may change. RealManage is our management company.
What does RealManage do for Basswood Village? RealManage, on behalf of the Board of Directors, prepares the annual budget, facilitates service contracts such as the landscape maintenance contracts (along with supervising those contracts), collects Association assessments, follows up on delinquent assessments, organizes the Annual Meeting, maintains bank accounts, and carries out the business of the association.
How many people serve on the Board of Directors? We have three residents, elected by the homeowners, that serve on the Board of Directors; President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer.
Who are the Board of Directors? Your President Racheal Rhoades. Your Vice President is Imtenan Saeed. Your Secretary/Treasurer is Lorenzo Rodriguez. Your Treasurer is Carla Sidwell, Your Director is Kimberley Ezzerai and your Website Admin is Adam Younes.
Who do I call for problems with vehicles, parking, etc.? Although our bylaws clearly state what can and cannot be permitted in our neighborhood (no tractor trailer parking for example), the City is your best resource. There are two departments that handle this issue- Code Compliance and the Police. Code compliance handles right-of-ways and lemon vehicles, and over-size vehicles when they see them. Code Compliance does not handle parking issues in the street, over-due tags, etc. This is a police issue. You may also contact RealManage with the concern, but the City is the one who handles them in most cases- not the HOA. You can visit the Fort Worth Code Compliance web page here.
Will Basswood Village ever have a pool, park, or recreational area? Unfortunately no. The builder decided not to put these amenities in place.
What does the HOA do for me? This is a very frequently asked question by many homeowners. The strength of any HOA relies on the membership. Please keep in mind that every position within our HOA is a volunteer position- from the Board members to the committees, no one gets paid. We too have families, work, etc. But we live here. We want our neighborhood to be a safe place for families. However, we cannot do it alone. There are many residents who have talents and abilities that can add so much to our community. But unless you step up, the workload rests on the backs of a few individuals.
What is the requirement for trash can/recycle bins? The HOA bi-law is the same as the Fort Worth city ordinance. Trash and recycle bins can be put out on Sunday evening and must be put back by midnight on Monday. Residents may not place their bins for storage in front of the garage, on the side seen from the street, on the driveway, etc. All bins must be kept out of sight.
When is bulk trash pick up? The FOURTH week in the month is bulk trash pick up. You may leave your bulk trash out the Saturday prior to the fourth week. Please be mindful of high winds and do your best to ensure items are not flying out in your neighbors yard or in the street. Please do not put any trash bags out as the city will not pick these up. Bulk trash is just that- bulk. Trash bags are for the trash bins.
Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
What is the ARC? The ARC, or Architectural Review Committee, is made up of three homeowners that are appointed by the Board of Directors. The ARC (also referred to in the bylaws as the Architectural Control Authority) insures compliance of the deed restrictions and design standards of Basswood Village. Article VI in the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions ( CC&R's) state all the ARC guidelines. For example, Section 6.5b states: "The proposed improvements will be approved if, in the sole opinion of the ACA (ARC): (i) the improvements will be of an architectural style, quality, color, and material that are aesthetically compatible with the improvements within the property; (ii) the improvements will not violate any term herein or in the ACA Standards;...Each owner acknowledges that opinions on aesthetic matters are subjective and opinions may vary as to the desirability and/or attractiveness of particular improvements and as the ACA and their members change over time."
When do I have to submit an ARC request? Any time the homeowner alters, modifies, or makes an addition to the individual external property.
What's an example of "altering" an individual property? Let's say a resident wants to put a rock border around their front bushes. The ARC simply wants to know what color of rock and how high you plan on making the border. Why? Let's imagine you want to pave the side of your house with rock as well. In doing so you alter the slope of the swell on the side of your home (if not done properly). This, affects not only your home, but that of your neighbor. As a result, water may not drain properly.
Why do I need to "submit" a request to RealManage? RealManage makes copies of all ARC submissions for our HOA and forwards the requests to the ARC chairperson.
How long will it take for the ARC to respond to my request? The ARC has 30 days to respond to a homeowner request. Depending on the request and the extent of property alteration, the time will be minimal.
Neighborhood Watch
What is the neighborhood watch? The neighborhood watch program was developed by cities throughout the country in cooperation with law enforcement to heighten security awareness of neighborhoods. Simply stated, it is keeping your eyes open for mischief or criminal conduct throughout the neighborhood and reporting it to the police. The best neighborhood watch is knowing your neighbors, talking with them, and looking out for one another.
Is Basswood Village involved with Code Blue? At the moment, no. Code Blue is a program sanctioned by Fort Worth PD to train citizens in a quasi law enforcement role. These folks drive the neighborhood and have two way radios with the police, along with other equipment. Those interested in the Code Blue program should contact Fort Worth Police Department.